We are in Athens, in year 250 BC.
Athens is the polis where democracy born.
All citizen can be a part of our government.
Athenian are peaceful people. They made great discoveries in maths and science, great astronomers too.
We believe in a big family of Gods living in Mount Olympus and, to great them, we organize a big sporting event: The Olympic Games.
Greek people is very interested in harmony, beauty and proportions, so my people have done great paintings, buildings and sculptures, in a very special style never seen before.
Wellcome to Greece!
Aquesta és la introducció de la Sophie, la filla de l'astrònom Aristarc de Samos, protagonista de la història. Mitjançant breus representacions teatrals fetes en grups de 4, s'aniran introduint diferents conceptes per arribar a la pregunta final "Què hi ha al centre?"
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